Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's all about the nose

I have been ignoring neglecting eschewing and forgetting this blog pretty much since Mr. Buckley came home back in March. Since he has happily taken over our lives I might as well post stuff about him in lieu of new artwork. So here are some pictures of him in action - swimming, hunting, and just generally voguing. He's a handsome dog, and quite elegant, even at only 7 months. He's also a complete kook. But back to the hunting - you can see in one shot he is posing with Vanessa and I after earning his first point (3 more to go) towards his Jr. Hunter title! His hunting abilities are amazing, and he has such a blast in the field. It's really quite wonderful to behold him doing his thing. He finds the hidden birds in a 5 acre field with only his nose and a breeze, then points (standing perfectly still) until I can dislodge the bird (which B-man happily chases as it fliew away) and fire off a gun loaded with blanks to simulate a shotgun going off. He was picture perfect on Sunday, and this weekend he gets 2 more chances to earn points. I'll let you know how he does.

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